Brig Gen Philip E. Tukey Charitable & Educational Trust BACKGROUND: The Brig Gen Philip E. Tukey Charitable & Educational Trust was founded by family of Brigadier General Philip E. Tukey (deceased) to provide Maine Air National Guard members and their dependants, depicting a need and desire to advance their education at an institution of higher learning, assistance toward tuition and costs. The Scholarship is a gift designed to promote post secondary education to all members of the Maine Air National Guard. An annual scholarship of not less than $500 shall be granted to a member of the Maine Air National Guard or their dependants that meet the requirements of the Trust and is selected by the selection committee. Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited institute of higher learning. They may utilize this scholarship to pay for any costs incurred in the pursuit of their education program. Each year the trust announces, through command channels, unit newsletters, and the base newspaper, the application requirements and sets an application deadline. All applications are reviewed by the Board of Trustees to ensure that the selection committee members and the applicants do not have any familial or employee relationship. A three- member selection committee, selected and approved by the Board of Trustees, reviews all applications and selects a winner. The basis of award selection is: · Proof of enrollment at an accredited institute of higher learning. · Membership and participation in the Maine Air National Guard. (If a Guard member) · Certified dependant of a guard member PURPOSE: To assist students who are pursuing an established degree program at an institution of higher education ELIGIBILITY: · Applicants must have been accepted to complete post-secondary education. · Applicants may be full-time or part-time students. They may be either graduate students working toward a Master's degree, or undergraduate students working toward a Bachelor's degree. · Students should have at least one full year of academic work remaining to complete their degree programs, although under exceptional circumstances an award may be granted to a student for the final half-year AWARDS: One award of $500 will be granted toward school tuition and expenses. SCHEDULE: Applications must be received by 30 April. Applicants will be notified by mail of trustee decisions. You can view the application by clicking here.