243 EIS More... In July of 1981, the unit changed to its current designation as the 243rd Engineering Installation Squadron under the Air Force Communications Command (AFCC), with a complement of 11 officers and 171 airmen. In May 1993, the squadron became part of the Air Force Command, Control, Communications and Computers Agency (AFC4A), the new designation for AFCC. In October 1993, the unit was placed under Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) where it remained until August 2005 when it was realigned under Air Combat Command (ACC). In addition to its federal mission the 243rd Engineering Installation Squadron has played an important role in the state, providing protection of life and property in times of natural disaster. In January 1998, the 243rd responded to requests from the Governor to participate in disaster relief efforts in the aftermath of a major ice storm in the northeast. Throughout Operation Ice Guard, the 243rd operated a 24-hour emergency operations center and responded in the hardest hit communities by providing road clearing, lighting, traffic control and emergency relief services. In the wake of terrorist attacks on our nation on September 11th, 2001, personnel were called to perform armed airport security details throughout the state of Maine from October 2001 to May 2002 in support of Operation Noble Eagle. In October 2001, members were activated in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and deployed to numerous locations in the middle east. This marked the first time in the unit's history personnel were involuntarily called to active duty. Between March 2003 and April 2004, individuals were activated in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and deployed to various locations in the middle east to install critical communications infrastructure and systems. In October 2005, personnel from the 243rd EIS deployed to Mississippi to repair storm ravaged communications infrastructure in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Throughout its proud history, the 243rd EIS has received numerous awards and accolades including Air Force Outstanding Unit Awards. 243rd EIS Vision To be the best engineering installation squadron; providing world class service to the nation, state & community. Our Mission ...is to "Train" our people for existing and future technologies that provide timely and effective "engineering and installation" products and services and "deploy" combat-ready teams to meet contingency tasking in "support" of theater mission requirements.